Monday, 9 April 2012

Summary of the Solar Charger

Summary of the Solar Charger A better future with the solar charger application Solar energy is a viable source of renewable energy that generates no pollution and no hydrocarbons which is very good to our environment surroundings. It can provide energy for a very long time as fossil fuels is rapidly depleting. Therefore, the solar charger application can reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and is also seen as a potential solution to the imminent energy shortages in the future. It can...

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Solar Panel

Solar Panel is collection of solar cells interconnected together either in series or parallel to give the desired output voltage and current rating. They convert sunlight energy into electrical energy. Solar cell is made up of different materials such as monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, amorphous silicon and copper indium selenide. Most of the solar cells in the market are composed of monocrystalline silicon and polycrytalline silicon. Monocrystalline silicon...

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Principle of Operation

Basic Principle of Operation ·         45 turns on the primary windings and 15 turns on the feedback winding. ·         When current flows through the primary windings of the coil, magnetic flux will be produced. This flux cuts the feedback windings and causes voltage to be induced in the coils. ·         The polarity of induced voltage in the primary windings is the opposite...

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Solar Charger Prototype

Solar Charger Prototype Function of Capacitors 100 uF capacitor – acts as a storage component. The instantaneous current is as high as 300mA. However, solar panel is only capable of delivering average current of 150mA. This capacitor stores the current and delivers the peak to the circuit, thereby remains the low impedance of the circuit. 10 uF capacitor - When current flows out from the feed back winding, it will flow to the end connected to the base of transistor as it will have to charge...

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Solar Charger In the Market

Solar Charger In the Market Solar charger is not a new thing in the market. However, innovation in solar charger has always been improving. For instance, what if the sun goes down? Solar charger nowadays always equipped with extra source of charging the battery apart from charging by the sun alone. This is an user-concerning feature. Apart from that, LED indication is used to determine if the sunlight is enough to start a charging process. This can tell the user when to switch to another...

Monday, 2 April 2012

Advantages of Solar Charger

Advantages of Solar Charger Source of power of the solar charger: Solar Energy The solar charger power source comes from the solar energy which is an reliable alternative and renewable energy sources. Besides that, the solar energy comes in free of charge. The energy from the sun is free after giving up a little bit of money, the source of energy is practically free. The solar cells panel on the solar charger does not require much maintenance once they are brought up to its maximum...

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Why Solar Energy?

        Industrial Revolution has brought many negative impacts on the environment. Generation of electricity using fossil fuels pollutes the environment. The question is why not we make use of something free and easily available??  Naturally, solar energy comes into picture. First, it is renewable source of energy. Second, it is clean and environmental friendly. These two criteria helps to conserve and preserve the environment. We should utilize it to the maximum...